Riccia lamellosa

Riccia lamellosa Raddi (Ricciaceae)

Distinguishing Features

A rare species thus far known only from sloping and seasonally saturated fine sediments over rock, R. lamellosa appears as small (~5mm) thalli with a smooth upper surface, v-shaped tips on a whitish-green plant. Close inspection reveals a series of thin pale flaps ("lamellae") that fringe the edges of the plant.

Similar species

No other species of Riccia has the overlapping scales of pale tissue along the margin (though be sure to separate from the colourless flaps sometimes present in R. sorocarpa), making this plant unmistakeable compared to others in the genus.


Fine, seasonally-saturated mineral soils over sloping rock at low elevation.

Associated species

Riccia sorocarpa, Fossombronia longiseta, Anthoceros fusiformis, Pleuridium acuminatum, Cephaloziella divaricata

[1] "no GBIF data to display"